For some time now, people have been becoming aware that the planet’s resources are limited and that from now on many things will have to be made with reused materials, materials taken from things that were already made and that had been evicted. . Nowadays it is mostly computers and mobile phones that are being manufactured with reused materials, but I am sure that in a very short time many other things will have to be manufactured with recycled materials. It seems to me that they have taken too long to realize that they should have started building things with recycled materials.

Some acquaintances told me the other day that to make the carnival costumes they had thought of using only materials taken from other things that they had in the storage room and that they were not going to use anymore, that way they make a little hole in the attic to the couple who have a good time making the costumes, from what they have told me they have only had to contact a recyclable material cord distributor so that their costume is completely made of recycled materials. Personally, this is a practice that I have been doing for years, because the fun of carnival is making the costume yourself, since it is not fun to buy a costume. The best costumes I’ve ever worn have always been made by me, maybe it took me a couple of weeks to finish the costume but then when you put it on you feel much more proud than if you had bought a costume in a store. Knowing what carnival is like in Galicia, I think that the best thing is to make a good costume with what you have at home. Personally, it’s been years since I spent a single euro on costumes and I’ve dressed up every year that we could, except for the pandemic, when there have been no carnivals. And fortunately it seems that the carnivals are back this year, with some restrictions but few, throughout Galicia and not only in the magical triangle of the Ourense carnival.